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You can apply to be 1 of 100 people selected to host a Super Duper Superhero Game Night with Tryazon! The application deadline is September 9th, 2024, so act quickly to secure your chance. If selected, participants will receive over $30 worth of items to host a fun and exciting game night for kids aged 5+.
What’s Included:
• Super Duper Superhero Game (perfect for ages 5 and up)
• Exclusive Coupon to share with your friends, family, and followers
• Party Host Guide to help you organize and make your game night a success
How to Apply:
To participate, simply head over to the Tryazon website and complete the application. This is a great opportunity to have a fun game night with your kids and friends, plus share an awesome new product!
Apply HERE
What is Tryazon?
Tryazon is a platform that connects brands with consumers by offering fun product-sampling parties. If chosen as a host, you’ll receive products to try and review with your family and friends. After the event, you’ll be asked to share feedback about the products you tested. Tryazon partners with a wide range of companies, and their events cover everything from games to beauty products, electronics, and more!
Make sure to sign up soon, as spots are limited and highly sought after!
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