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Enter for a chance to win in the Engage Pickleball 50 Paddle Giveaway! The giveaway ends on October 31, 2024, and there are 50 paddles available for FREE! Engage is known for their high-quality pickleball paddles, so don’t miss this opportunity.
Paddles Being Given Away:
- Encore Pro 2.0: Power meets precision, retailing for $99.99.
- Evolution Aero: Superior control with advanced aerodynamics, retailing for $129.99.
- Pursuit V2.0: Elite performance paddle, retailing for $179.99.
How to Enter:
- Visit the official giveaway page to enter.
- Fill out the entry form with your details.
- Enter by October 31, 2024 for a chance to win.
This is an amazing opportunity for pickleball enthusiasts to score top-notch paddles for free! Enter now for your chance to win one of these high-performance paddles from Engage Pickleball.
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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