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Milktab is giving away a Free box of milktab lactose pills through new sponsored ad appearing in news feeds on Facebook and Instagram (see screenshot below)! milktab is a dietary supplement that helps your body better digest dairy. Each box contains 45 pills.
There are no direct links but our tips can help you find it.
- Follow milktab on Facebook and Instagram
- Like several of their social posts
- Search “Milktab Lactase Tablets” on Google, Facebook and Instagram and scroll down through the results page for a few seconds.
- Close everything out then open Facebook or Instagram and keep an eye on your newsfeed for the free sample offer post to show up.
- Once you see it, click the “Sign Up” button on the sponsored post and follow the steps to claim. Let us know if you get it!
After that just check your feed and story often for the free sample to appear and click ‘Get Offer’. Good luck!
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