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Additionally, does not claim to represent the manufacturers, brands, companies, or retailers mentioned on this website, nor do we own their trademarks, logos, marketing materials, or products. If you wish to submit a copyright claim, please do so here.
Ripple Street is giving 500 lucky parents a coupon to pick up a Gerber Simply Pickups™ meal from their local Walmart or Target. All they ask in return is a photo of your child enjoying their meal and a review of the product. It’s a great way to introduce a wholesome meal to your little one.
How to apply for this Baby Food event:
- Visit Ripple Street’s event website by clicking “Get This Offer (External Website)”
- Sign up or log in to Ripple Street and apply for this Baby Food event.
- Once logged in, hit the “Apply Now” button and you’ll answer a few questions and confirm your contact information and address.
- Finish submitting your application and cross fingers as you wait to see if you’re one of the lucky ones to get the Baby Food goodies!
* US only. You can apply from May 29, 2024 to June 12, 2024. If selected, you will be required to share your experiance. Ripple Street account required.
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