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Parfums de Marly is offering free samples of its Delina perfume, a charming and modern floral bouquet.
What is Delina Perfume?
Delina is a highly nuanced perfume that combines sweet and sensual notes. The fragrance features floral accords of damascena rose, lily of the valley, and peony, complemented by tangy notes of lychee, rhubarb, bergamot, and nutmeg.
How to Get Your Free Sample
This offer may appear immediately or within a few hours or days. There are no direct links, but using our instructions can help you get the freebie to pop up.
To claim your free sample, follow these steps:
1. Like the Parfums de Marly Facebook page.
2. Visit the Parfums de Marly website.
3. Monitor your Facebook or Instagram newsfeed for the sponsored advertisement.
The offer is a sponsored advertisement that looks like this
Benefits of Delina Perfume
• Sweet and sensual fragrance
• Dominated by floral accords
• Blended with tangy notes for a unique scent
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