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Additionally, does not claim to represent the manufacturers, brands, companies, or retailers mentioned on this website, nor do we own their trademarks, logos, marketing materials, or products. If you wish to submit a copyright claim, please do so here.
Grab yourself a FREE Phyll Smoothie from Dierbergs Stores after this rebate deal from Aisle!
What is it?
In a nutshell “Delicious smoothies without any of the prep. Made with real fruits & veggies plus plant protein!”
How to get your free Phyll Smoothie:
- Visit the Aisle rebate website by clicking here
- Sign up for the rebate by sharing your phone number.
- Head out to the store and buy your Phyll Smoothie. Make sure the product qualifies for this rebate.
- Keep your receipt after shopping and take a clear photo of it.
- Follow the prompts in your text to share your receipt with Aisle and get a full rebate direct to your Venmo or PayPal within about 24 hours, making the Phyll Smoothie free!
* US only. Texting and purchase required. Limit 1 per person. Full terms and conditions apply. Limited time offer. See other Aisle offers here.
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