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In celebration of World Kindness Day on November 13, Johnsonville is sharing the love with a delicious treat! Participate in their “Keep the Internet Juicy” campaign, and you could score a free round of sausage with a Johnsonville product coupon. This offer is perfect for sausage fans and those who love to spread kindness!
How to Get Your Free Johnsonville Sausage Coupon:
- Perform or Observe an Act of Kindness: To join in, simply do something kind or share a kind act you’ve witnessed.
- Post on Social Media: Use the hashtag #KeepTheInternetJuicy to share your story or act of kindness on your preferred social media platform.
- Receive Your Coupon: Johnsonville will send a coupon for a free Johnsonville sausage product to participants while supplies last.
Important Details:
- Date: Celebrate World Kindness Day on November 13.
- Hashtag: #KeepTheInternetJuicy is required in your social media post.
- Reward: One free Johnsonville product coupon per participant, while supplies last.
- Eligibility: Open to residents within the U.S. (Check Johnsonville’s official terms and conditions for more details.)
Links Section:
- Johnsonville’s Social Media: Follow Johnsonville on Instagram or Facebook to keep up with the campaign and learn more about their sausage products.
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