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Turning Point USA Students is offering a Free USA Kit to high school and college students interested in American history and culture. This kit includes talking points, signage, flyers, stickers, and resources on topics like the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American flag. If you’re interested in American history, this kit is perfect for you!
How to Claim
1. Visit the Website: Go to the Turning Point USA Students page. [ HERE ]
2. Find the USA Kit Offer: Look for the Free USA Kit offer designed for high school and college students.
3. Complete the Form: Fill out the necessary details, including your school information and mailing address.
4. Submit: Submit your request to receive your Free USA Kit.
TPUSA Students, powered by Turning Point USA, is the largest and most impactful conservative student program. Their mission is to inspire a new wave of conservatism and love for the country, shaping a more free and prosperous future for America.
They have different kits here if you’d like to request others.
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