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Looking for a great new offer? Ripple Street is giving you a chance to try Welch’s Absolute Fruitfuls for free! They are currently searching for 1,000 people to host a Welch’s Absolute Fruitfuls Chatterbuy event at their local Kroger or Stop & Shop. This is your opportunity to try one of Welch’s newest products for free while sharing your experience and feedback with the community. The deadline to apply is September 5th, 2024, so don’t miss out!
How to Claim
To get started, simply apply through Ripple Street’s platform. You can apply here. If selected, you’ll receive a sample kit to host your event. After trying the product, you’ll need to share your feedback and a photo of your experience with Ripple Street and your social media followers.
About Ripple Street
Ripple Street is a trusted consumer engagement platform that connects consumers with top brands through product sampling and hosted events. With a focus on authenticity and community-driven feedback, Ripple Street offers exclusive opportunities to try new products and share your honest opinions. They have been a reliable source for product testing since 2005, with opportunities available to U.S. residents aged 18 and older.
[ Apply Now ]
Don’t miss your chance to participate! Click here to apply and learn more about this exciting offer from Ripple Street.
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