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Get a free bag of Popchips with this special rebate offer! Purchase Popchips from a participating retailer and save your receipt. Then, sign up for a text rebate to get 100% instant cashback via Venmo or PayPal. Follow the steps below to claim your free bag.
How to Claim Your Free Bag of Popchips:
1. Purchase: Buy a bag of Popchips from a participating retailer.
2. Save Receipt: Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.
3. Sign Up: Sign up for the text rebate. [ HERE ]
4. Submit Receipt: Text a photo of your receipt to the rebate number provided.
5. Receive Cashback: Get 100% cashback via Venmo or PayPal.
Popchips are a healthier alternative to traditional fried potato chips. They are popped using heat and pressure, resulting in a crispy, flavorful snack with fewer calories and less fat. Enjoy a variety of delicious flavors guilt-free!
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