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Reminder this ends tomorrow
Test Your Chipotle Knowledge for a Chance to Win Big!
From Tuesday, August 20 at 9:01 am ET through Thursday, August 22 at 11:59 pm ET, Chipotle Rewards Members have the chance to play the Chipotle IQ game.
This trivia game challenges fans to prove their knowledge about Chipotle’s real ingredients, culinary techniques, sustainability practices, brand history, and community engagement.
How to Play and Win:
• Get a Perfect Score (10 out of 10): The first 5,000 Chipotle Rewards members who score a perfect 10 will receive a Buy 1, Get 1 Free (BOGO) promo code. Plus, they’ll unlock an Extra Credit question for a chance to win Free Burritos for a Year (50 winners will be selected).
• Score 7, 8, or 9: If you fall just short of a perfect score, don’t worry—you’ll still be rewarded with 25 Chipotle Rewards points added to your account.
• Bonus for Perfect Scores: Even if you don’t win a BOGO code, scoring a perfect 10 will still earn you the 25-point bonus.
Not a Chipotle Rewards Member?
Sign up now (it’s free!) to participate in the Chipotle Trivia Game and score a free guacamole just for joining.
Don’t miss out on this fun and rewarding opportunity to test your Chipotle knowledge and win some tasty prizes!
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