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Tryazon has an exciting new opportunity available! Apply now for a chance to receive one of 100 FREE Sticki Rolls for Back-to-School Party Packs. This is a fantastic way to get some fun and functional items for the new school year.
What You’ll Receive
Hosts selected for this party will receive a party pack with a combined value of $60+, including the following items:
• Sticki Rolls Sticki Bands
• Sticki Rolls Sticki Book
• Sticki Rolls Sticki Station
• 3 Promo Packs
• Party Host Guide to help you plan and carry out the party!
About Tryazon
Tryazon is a platform that connects brands with consumers, providing opportunities to try a variety of products for free in a fun and engaging way. As a host, you can share these new products with your friends and family, providing valuable feedback to the brand. It’s a win-win for everyone!
How to Apply
1. Visit the Tryazon website
2. Log in or create an account.
3. Find the Sticki Rolls for Back-to-School Party opportunity.
4. Complete and submit your application.
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