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Update: I think they are catching on, if the code they send doesn’t work on the item in your cart then you might need to find another item to buy. Sorry, it was working on everything earlier.
Hurry! This is gonna go quick!
Right now you can get a basically FREE item at Ashley Furniture stores!
So how this works is they are giving away basically a free $25 credit to use on anything you want. What you need to do is buy something that costs $25.99 or anything over $25 even by one cent.
To get this coupon, text “JOIN” to 274539.
Once you do that, they will text you back a $25.00 off coupon that you can use. Plus shipping is free! It doesn’t take very long to get your code.
If you want the lamp pictured above then here is the direct link for that lamp it’s $25.99 right now.
REMEMBER: Your purchase will need to be over $25 I believe to do this offer, but it will make for a pretty cheap item. I have some clearance items priced low to high for you to check out at the link below!
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