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Today is your last chance to win a complete set of ColourPop’s Power Pout Long-Wearing Lipstick! ColourPop is known for its vibrant, highly pigmented lipsticks, and the Power Pout line offers a stunning matte finish that lasts all day.
Key Details:
• Giveaway Ends: 8 PM EST today
• Platforms: Facebook and Instagram
• Winners Announced: August 28th in the giveaway posts
• Prizes: 6 winners (3 on each platform) will receive all 16 shades of the Power Pout Long-Wearing Lipstick.
• Like these posts on Facebook and Instagram
• Follow @colourpopcosmetics
• ” Comment the lipstick shade you want to try!
Note: This is a rare opportunity to snag every shade of this popular lipstick collection, so make sure to head over to ColourPop’s Facebook and Instagram pages to enter before time runs out!
For more information and to enter, visit ColourPop’s Facebook and Instagram. Don’t miss out on this exciting giveaway!
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