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Apply for a chance to receive FREE MONDAY Haircare products from Zuru! This is an exciting opportunity to try premium haircare products at no cost.
How to Apply:
1. Visit the Application Page: Click here to access the application form. [ HERE ]
2. Complete the Questions: Fill out the questionnaire on the linked page to apply.
3. Submit Your Application: Provide your details and submit the form.
What You’ll Receive:
• Free Samples: If selected, you will receive free samples of MONDAY Haircare shampoo and conditioner.
• 28-Day Testing Period: Try the products for a 28-day period.
• Feedback: Provide your honest feedback on the products after the testing period.
Additional Perks:
• $100 Ulta Gift Card: Participants chosen for the testing will also be entered into a draw to win a $100 Ulta Gift Card.
• Apply for Free MONDAY Haircare Products
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to try high-quality haircare products for free. Apply today and see the difference MONDAY Haircare can make for your hair!
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