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Looking for a quick energy boost? Right now, you can get a FREE 12 oz. Red Bull at Sheetz! Follow these easy steps to claim your free drink:
How to Claim Your Free Red Bull
1. Download or Open the Sheetz App: If you don’t have the Sheetz app yet, download it from the Apple Store or Google Play. If you already have it, simply open the app.
2. Register for My Sheetz Rewardz: Sign up for a My Sheetz Rewardz account if you don’t already have one.
3. Enter Promo Code: Go to the rewards section and enter the promo code: ILUVTRUCKZ to get your free Red Bull added to your account.
4. Redeem In-Store: Head to your nearest Sheetz store and redeem your free 12 oz. Red Bull.
Important Details
• Expires: This offer is valid until August 31, 2024.
• Eligibility: Make sure you are registered with My Sheetz Rewardz to be eligible for this offer.
Additional Benefits
Using the Sheetz app not only gets you this freebie but also allows you to access various other deals and rewards, making your shopping experience even better.
For more information, visit Sheetz’s official website. Enjoy your free Red Bull and stay energized!
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