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Get 2 Free Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach Friday Tickets by using the promo code PEPSI38
This is for It’s on April 19 2024.
We have found more codes for this year but we are not sure if they all work. We only know PEPSI38 works for two free tickets.
The other codes are..
- BANC38
- NTT38
- LBCC38
- NOS38
- TACO38
In addition to free tickets for Friday, all of the codes above will give you $17 off the total price of a general admission ticket for Saturday and Sunday(up to 2 tickets, total of $34 off):
- Saturday general admission, regular price (after online fees): $92 per ticket; discount price: $75 per ticket.
- Sunday general admission, regular price (after online fees): $97; discount price: $80
And $21 off the total price of a lower grandstand ticket on Sunday (works on adults and juniors, total of $42 off)
- Sunday Adult Lower Grandstand tickets, regular price: $108; discount price: $87
- Junior lower grandstand tickets, regular price: $82; discount price: $61
- 2 adult lower grandstand tickets, regular price: $216; discount price: $174
- 1 adult and 1 junior lower grandstand tickets, regular price: $190; discount price: $148
NOTE: These codes can be used multiple times, they should not expire after someone else uses them. If you are having trouble with one code try another.
[ Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach website ]
[ GO TO TIXR website to purchase tickets ]
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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