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The value of online reputation can’t be overstated. Whether it’s deciding on that new corner bistro based on Yelp reviews or choosing a hotel with top Google ratings, the voice of the community is vital to any website/business. You know, this concept isn’t new– Lets take Consumer Reports for example, it was established in 1936, which set forth the benchmark for unbiased product assessments and consumer advocacy, all without the sway of advertising or the pressures of shareholders.

Embracing this tradition, we at CouponCourt.com uphold the same principles. We’re not swayed by external pressures to endorse or promote. Our commitment is to authenticity—if we share a freebie, it’s because we trust it’s genuine; if we spotlight a deal, it’s because we believe it’s worth your attention; and if we suggest steering clear of an offer, it’s to safeguard your interests. Our existence is fueled by you, our community. Unlike other deal or freebie sites, we rigorously verify each deal to the best of our ability and actively seek out your input to continuously elevate our service.

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