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GoHenry has a new offer going around where they are offering a one month free trial of access to their platform and $5 USD for setting up an account!
What is GoHenry?
GoHenry is a financial service tailored for children and teens, offering a debit card and a comprehensive app designed to teach them smart money management.
Unlike typical bank accounts, it educates young users on budgeting, tracking spending, and setting savings goals, all under the supervision and guidance of their parents. This approach not only helps kids learn the value of money and financial responsibility early on but also allows parents to monitor and influence their child’s financial behaviors in a secure, controlled environment, promoting independence while ensuring safety.
How to the $5 For free + One Month Free Trial
- SIGN UP HERE (Takes about 5min to complete)
- Download the app, also kids can start learning through Money Missions instantly
- Then wait, Your card will arrive within 5-7 days
- After your card arrives don’t forget to activate your $5 credit!
You can also read more about this (here). If you have kids this is definitely something worth checking out it’s ran by AACORNS which is a reputable company that does savings in a form of investments.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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