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Claim your free trial for 14 days and get access to the world’s largest online collection of family history records.
Here’s how to get the deal:
- Click this link to activate the free trial promotion.
- Choose which monthly plan you’d like to try: U.S. Discovery, World Explorer, or All Access.
- You may cancel your subscription at any time prior to two days before the end of the free trial period and incur no charge. If you don’t cancel by that time, your paid subscription will start once your free trial period ends.
- If you choose any of their 6-month subscriptions, you’ll get charged a $25 fee if you cancel your subscription before the end of your term. If you’re not sure you’d like to keep the subscription past the free 14-day trial, I suggest you choose one of their monthly options. They cost a bit more but you won’t incur a cancellation fee.
- Click “Start free trial.“
- Enter your personal information followed by your payment information to complete your order.
Main Thing You Need to Know
Bottom-line cost: You’ll pay $0 for your the first 14 days. If you choose to continue the subscription past the free trial, you’ll be charged $24.99 – $59.99 per month, depending on the tier you sign up for.
What do I receive and when? During your free trial, you’ll have access to exclusive records and tools to help you build your family tree and trace your ancestry through history. You’ll gain access to the information and tools as soon as you complete your order.
Do I need to cancel? Yes, is a subscription service. If you don’t wish to continue using their services, you’ll need to sign in to your account, select cancel membership, and follow the steps until your cancellation is confirmed.
This Post Was Filed Under: Freebie
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