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Product Report Card is back open to allow more people into their product reviewing program! How it works is they send you products for free to try and all you have to do is leave a review on that product and you get to keep that product for FREE or get compensation via Gift Cards.
If this sounds interesting to you i suggest you sign up! They only allow so many people to sign up at a time. If you’re just looking for ways, you can earn gift cards or money or things like that then check out our other post here.
How to join?
Just Register for an account at Product Report Card (its FREE!) and you get to influence products and service decisions by sharing your opinion.
Sharing your opinion on these products is an opportunity to earn cash, Amazon gift codes, or free products for each online survey you complete.
It’s easy way to provide consumer feedback while getting paid! ALL FOR FREE
Note: You have to be selected they don’t just send anyone products. You have to answer some questions and they match you with products that they think you will actually use so that way you’re able to give an adequate review. They don’t just ship out free stuff to anyone, so answer the questions honestly and you will likely get matched with stuff you will actually use.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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