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Don’t miss out on your chance to snag a free sample of Victoria’s Fleur Body Mist!
This offer is exclusively for residents of Canada and the USA, and it’s only available while supplies last.
This offer is from the website smplit[.]com and we have posted other offers from this website previously. However, we too haven’t received any samples from that company. We are beginning to speculate that perhaps this website isn’t legitimate. We could be wrong as we have no evidence to support an accusation such as that but we want to make you aware before you submit your information. As always we recommend you use an old email when applying for samples so please be vigilant when applying for samples. We strive to verify everything we post however we aren’t sure on this one. We are posting in event it is legit as we also don’t want you to miss out.
If your confused, the previous ones we posted from this company are.
Spa Luxetique Ocean Breeze Shower Mousse.https://smplit[.]com/spa-luxetique-shower-mousse/
- Spa Luxetique Lavendar Dream Body Cream
- Secret Key Glow Lipstick
- Exrthx Custom Logo 4D Silk Mascara
- Victoria’s Fleur Body Mist
Maybe we are overreacting or overthinking this and the samples will eventually come, however we are suspicious. If anyone else is suspicious or hasn’t received theirs leave a comment below. If you have received yours then also leave a comment.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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