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Cash back apps sometimes suck! However we think we’ve found the highest paying one!
Who doesn’t like to get paid to shop for things im already buying without any actual influence on my already purchased items!
If this all sounds good to you you need to check out Brandclub. The app itself is a bit tricky to describe, but it’s essentially a hybrid cash back/survey app.
The cashback feature works with the following stores.
The best part about this “connect” feature is that you earn $1–2 just for connecting your account. Plus, you earn cash back on purchases as far back as 60 days ago PLUS you get $5 using our link. You can cash out immediately after $10 via venmo or paypal.
Its worth checking out at the very least and you can essentially get your coffee paid for this morning!
To date we have been paid out $206 by just claiming our cash back after shopping. It is definitely one of the highest paying cash back app.
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