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Apply for the FREE Blue Buffalo Health Bars Mini Chatterbox Pack!
There are 200 packs available. They are taking applications from April 4 – April 10
Did you know the Health Bars you and your pup love come in a mini size? Perfectly portioned for a small treat or on-the-go consumption, BLUE Health Bars Mini offer a delicious, oven-baked crunchy texture your dog will devour. Available in Bacon, Egg & Cheese, and Apples & Yogurt, these mouthwatering flavors are made with whole grains and the finest natural ingredients enhanced with vitamins and minerals.
200 lucky Ripple Street Dog Parents will receive BLUE Health Bars Mini for free and in exchange will be required to write reviews of the two flavors you receive and share a photo of your (and your dog’s 🐶) experience.
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