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Time to stock up on hairspray if you use TRESemme!
Through May 18th, visit Walgreens for $5 Walgreens Cash when you buy two select hair products, plus a buy one get one 50% off deal.
For example, grab two Tresemme Tres Two Extra Hold Hair Sprays (4.2 oz) at $6.99 each.
With the BOGO 50% off promo, use a $5 off two Axe Products Manufacturer Digital Coupon, and apply the promo code WAG10 for an extra 10% off, bringing your total to $4.93
After that, you’ll get $5 Walgreens Cash, making the products free! So you pay $4.93 but you get $5 back in cash back so it technically makes it free plus a money maker!
Please note: This deal is available both in-store and online. Online orders ship free with $35+ purchases, or choose free in-store pickup with a $10 minimum order.
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