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If you shopped at Victoria’s Secret, PINK or Bath & Body Works stores you may be owed $15 as part of the settlement!
You can claim a $15 voucher in the new Class Action Settlement for Bath & Body Works & Victoria’s Secret if you shopped there from May 10, 2021 and August 8, 2021, you can be eligible to file a claim.
Whats this about?
This lawsuit alleges that Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret violated the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) by printing receipts that included more than the last 5 digits of card numbers, jeopardizing consumers information.
Do I Qualify?
If you shopped at Victoria’s Secret, PINK or Bath & Body Works stores between May 10, 2021 and August 8, 2021, you may be eligible to file a claim.
How Much will I Receive?
You can claim one $15 voucher for an eligible purchase at Victoria’s Secret, PINK or Bath & Body Works (the voucher will be for the store you claim a purchase from). Class members who made a purchase at each store will receive two $15 vouchers – one for Bath & Body Works and one for Victoria’s Secret.
How Do I Submit a Claim?
Go here to submit your claims online by 7/16/24 date.
Remember to only submit honest claims! You have to had made a purchase within the dates specified. If you are unsure check your emails and search!
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