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New Option from SoPost #1
You can claim this one from SoPost and get TWO new samples by claiming this one and the one below. (CLAIM HERE FROM SOPOST)
After you claimed your SoPost one you can claim another sample from Garnier website by answering some questions. We provided answers as well!
Option #2 Thats been around
Hurry! Sign up for a FREE sample of Garnier Fructis Hair Filler + Vitamin Cg Shampoo & Conditioner! This includes free shipping as well so act fast!
How to claim
All you do is answer the questions in the quiz, get at least 4 out of 6 correct and enter your email address at the end.
Then, watch your inbox for an email with the subject “Get Your Hair Filler Sample!” to claim your free samples (this email may take some time to arrive).
Available while supplies last!
Answer Key
Q.1 All of the Above
Q.2 Cuticle + Cortex
Q.3 True
Q.4 False
Q.5 79%
Q.6 True.
Check your email after!
You will see this email be sent to you after completing this quiz. You have the answers above so u will get this email. Here is a screenshot below π
After this
You will get another email confirming your free sample approval.
Sample looks like this below π
Sample will come in 2-4 weeks and arrive like the image below.
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