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Score a free 6-pack of Scoot Frozen Lemonade with this exclusive rebate offer!
Simply purchase the item from your local participating Giant Food retailer and save your receipt.
What is Scoot Frozen Lemonade?
Scoot Frozen Lemonade is a refreshing lemonade slush that comes in convenient pouches, making it perfect for any occasion. Available in various flavors, including Original Lemon, Peach, and Strawberry, Scoot Frozen Lemonade is made from high-quality ingredients in North Carolina, USA. These slushes are simple to prepare: just freeze, squeeze, and enjoy. They are ideal for pool days, after-school snacks, and more
How to Get Your Free 6-Pack
To claim your free 6-pack of Scoot Frozen Lemonade, follow these steps:
1. Purchase a 6-pack of Scoot Frozen Lemonade from a participating Giant Food retailer.
2. Save your receipt.
3. Sign up for a text rebate to get 100% instant cashback via Venmo or PayPal.
4. Submit your receipt here
Note: The rebate offer is valid only at participating Giant Food retailers.
Benefits of the Rebate Offer
• Enjoy a delicious and refreshing treat for free.
• Receive instant cashback via Venmo or PayPal.
• Easy and convenient rebate process.
Don’t miss out on this chance to get a free 6-pack of Scoot Frozen Lemonade. Follow the steps above to take advantage of this rebate offer!
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