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Charis Bible College is offering a fantastic deal! You can get a Free Vision Discovery Journal, regularly priced at $10, with free shipping and no payment details required. Follow these easy steps to claim your free journal:
How to Get Your Free Vision Discovery Journal:
1. Visit the Offer Page: Go to the Charis Bible College website. [ Direct Link Here ]
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3. Apply Coupon Code: Enter the coupon code 3FFB at checkout to drop the price to $0.00.
4. Continue to Checkout: Select “Continue Checkout.”
5. Enter Your Information: Fill in your shipping details.
6. Complete Your Order: Finalize your order, and your free journal will be on its way.
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About Charis Bible College
Charis Bible College, founded by Andrew Wommack, is a Christian educational institution dedicated to teaching the Bible and preparing individuals for ministry. The college offers a variety of programs aimed at deepening students’ understanding of the Scriptures and equipping them with practical skills for ministry. Charis emphasizes a balance of grace and faith, aiming to transform lives through the power of God’s Word.
Don’t miss out on this valuable resource to help you discover and document your vision. Act now to claim your free Vision Discovery Journal!
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