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Here’s how to get your free 4-pack of Organic Chia Squeeze by Mamma Chia:
1. Find: Locate Mamma Chia on the shelf at Target.
2. Snap: Take a selfie with the product.
3. Post: Upload the selfie to Instagram, tag @mammachia, and use the hashtag #ChiaShelfie.
What is Organic Chia Squeeze by Mamma Chia?
Organic Chia Squeeze by Mamma Chia is a healthy snack made from organic chia seeds. These squeezable pouches are packed with omega-3s, fiber, and protein, offering a convenient and nutritious option for on-the-go snacking. The chia seeds are combined with organic fruits and vegetables, providing a delicious and energy-boosting treat. Available in a variety of flavors, Organic Chia Squeeze is designed to support overall health and wellness.
For full details, visit here.
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