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Bring your kids to Fleet Farm for an exciting day filled with fun and fishing! Fleet Farm is hosting a Kids Fishing Day Event where young participants can get a FREE tackle box. This special event is happening on July 13th from 10am to 2pm.
Event Details:
• Date and Time: July 13th, 10am – 2pm
• Location: Participating Fleet Farm stores
• Activity: Free tackle box for kids
• Availability: While supplies last
How to Participate:
1. Visit a Participating Fleet Farm Store: Head to your local Fleet Farm store during the event hours.
2. Enjoy the Kids Fishing Day Event: Engage in the fun activities planned for the day and receive a free tackle box for your child.
3. Collect Your Free Tackle Box: Ensure your child is present to receive the free tackle box, available only while supplies last.
Why Attend?
• Encourages Outdoor Activities: This event is a great way to encourage kids to enjoy outdoor activities and learn about fishing.
• Free Tackle Box: Kids get a handy tackle box to start their fishing adventures.
• Family Fun: A perfect opportunity for family bonding and creating lasting memories.
About Fleet Farm
Fleet Farm has been proudly serving the Midwest since 1955. Known for a wide variety of products ranging from hunting gear to household items, Fleet Farm is committed to supporting local communities with events and promotions that bring families together.
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