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Planning a wedding involves countless details, and selecting the perfect invitations is a crucial part of setting the tone for your big day.
To help you make this important decision, Paper Doll Calligraphy is offering a Free Wedding Invitation Sample Kit.
Whatβs Inside the FREE Sample Kit:
1. Welcome Brochure: This brochure highlights our extensive range of products, services, and the high-quality paper we use.
2. Three Invitation Samples and Envelopes: Get a firsthand look at three different invitation designs. If you have specific preferences, you can choose your samples by clicking here.
3. Envelope Liner: See the beautiful linings we offer to add an extra touch of elegance to your invitations.
4. Invitation Color Guide: Explore our wide array of colors to find the perfect match for your wedding theme.
5. Chiffon Ribbon Closure: Experience the luxurious feel of our chiffon ribbon, perfect for adding a refined touch to your invites.
6. Wax Seal: Discover the charm of our classic wax seals, ideal for sealing your envelopes with a personal touch.
7. Coupon for 10% Off Day-of Stationery: Enjoy a discount on your day-of stationery needs, including programs, menus, and more.
How to Get Your Free Sample Kit:
Simply fill out the form below to receive your free wedding invitation sample kit. It includes free shipping!
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