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Enjoy a Boost of Energy for Free
Take advantage of this rebate offer to get a free can of Accelerator Active Energy.
Here’s how you can claim your free energy drink and enjoy a boost whenever you want it.
How to Get Your Free Can:
1. Purchase the Item: Buy a can of Accelerator Active Energy from your local participating retailer.
2. Save Your Receipt: Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.
3. Sign Up for a Text Rebate: Follow the instructions to sign up for a text rebate.
4. Receive Your Cashback: Get 100% instant cashback via Venmo or PayPal after submitting your receipt.
Important Details:
• Rebate Provider: The rebate offer is facilitated through a text rebate service.
• Cashback Method: You will receive your cashback via Venmo or PayPal.
Steps to Claim:
1. Purchase the Can: Visit a participating retailer and buy a can of Accelerator Active Energy.
2. Save Your Receipt: Ensure you keep your receipt safe.
3. Text Rebate: Sign up for the rebate by sending a text with your receipt details.
4. Get Paid Back: Receive a full refund of your purchase amount via Venmo or PayPal.
• Visit the Accelerator Active Energy Page
Enjoy this opportunity to try Accelerator Active Energy for free and experience the benefits of this energizing drink. Claim your rebate now and get your money back instantly via Venmo or PayPal!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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