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Do you have a Freddy’s nearby? If so, head’s up! Today is National Frozen Custard Day, and to celebrate, Freddy’s is giving out FREE mini 1-topping sundaes to customers with the purchase of any menu item for dine-in, carry-out, and drive-thru. This sweet deal is valid at participating locations only.
How to Get Your Free Sundae:
1. Visit Freddy’s: Head to your nearest Freddy’s location.
2. Purchase a Menu Item: Buy any menu item to qualify.
(Use code CD2024 at checkout for orders placed through Freddy’s app and website.)
3. Enjoy Your Free Sundae: Receive a free mini 1-topping sundae with your purchase.
Additional Information:
• Valid Today Only: This promotion is only available on National Frozen Custard Day.
• Participating Locations: Ensure your local Freddy’s is participating in this offer.
Don’t miss out on this delicious celebration. Head to Freddy’s today, enjoy a tasty meal, and treat yourself to a free mini sundae!
***Offer validThursday, August 8, 2024, only at participating locations. FREE mini one-topping sundae with purchase of any menu item for dine-in, carry-out and drive-thru. Also valid on and Freddy’s app orders using coupon code CD2024; limit 1 per order. Offer cannot be combined with other offers, discounts, coupons, or promotions.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Deals
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