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Here’s your chance to win one of 7,500 Quaker branded thermal jars in this exciting sweepstakes. These thermal jars are perfect for keeping your oatmeal, soups, and other hot or cold meals at the right temperature while on the go.
Sweepstakes Details:
• Prizes: 7,500 winners will each receive a Quaker branded thermal jar.
• Entry Type: Daily Entry – You can enter the sweepstakes once per day to increase your chances of winning.
• Deadline: The sweepstakes ends on September 13, 2024, at 11:59 pm.
• Eligibility: Open to U.S. residents and D.C., 18 years of age or older.
How to Enter:
1. Visit the Entry Page: ENTER HERE
2. Submit Your Entry: Complete the entry form with your details.
3. Enter Daily: Don’t forget to return daily to increase your chances of winning one of these great thermal jars!
Why Enter?
• High Chances of Winning: With 7,500 prizes available, your chances of winning are better than in many other sweepstakes.
• Practical Prize: These thermal jars are perfect for keeping your meals warm or cool throughout the day.
Make sure to enter daily until September 13th for your chance to win a Quaker branded thermal jar!
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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