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P.F. Chang’s is currently offering a free $15 Chang Ca$h for new members who sign up for their Rewards program. This is a limited-time offer and a great opportunity to try out some delicious menu items. Here’s what you need to know:
How to Get Your $15 Chang Ca$h:
• Sign Up: Simply join the P.F. Chang’s Rewards program, which is free to join. You can sign up online or through the P.F. Chang’s mobile app. [ HERE ]
• Receive Chang Ca$h: Upon joining, you’ll receive $15 Chang Ca$h that can be used on any menu item except for alcohol at participating P.F. Chang’s locations.
• Expiration: The $15 Chang Ca$h will expire 30 days from the date of issue, so make sure to use it before it’s gone!
Why Join P.F. Chang’s Rewards?
• Exclusive Offers: As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive offers, birthday rewards, and early access to special promotions.
• Earn Points: Every dollar you spend at P.F. Chang’s earns you points that can be redeemed for rewards, including free entrees.
This is a fantastic offer if you’re new to P.F. Chang’s Rewards program and want to enjoy some of their delicious Asian-inspired dishes for less. Be sure to sign up soon and enjoy your free $15 Chang Ca$h!
For more details and to sign up, visit the P.F. Chang’s Rewards page.
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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