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Celebrate 100 Years of Kleenex®: Nominate a School in Need for a $100,000 Donation
In honor of its 100th anniversary, Kleenex® is giving back to the community by donating a total of $500,000 to schools in need. This initiative, in partnership with DonorsChoose, aims to support schools lacking essential funding and resources, helping students thrive in their educational journey.
How It Works:
1. Nominate a School: You can nominate a school that you believe is most in need of a donation by August 26, 2024. [ ENTRY FORM HERE ]
2. Grand Donation: One school will be selected to receive a $100,000 donation to bring their project to life.
3. Additional Support: An additional 100 schools will each receive $4,000 to fund their supply lists.
This generous campaign is administered by Wyng Inc. and sponsored by Kleenex®. The selected schools will need to list their projects on DonorsChoose to receive the donation.
For more details, visit the Kleenex® official campaign page.
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