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Do you have an Insomnia Cookies location nearby? If so, get ready for their National PJ Party Night on September 17th at 8 PM!
Head to your local store in your pajamas and take advantage of these fun and tasty rewards for Insomnia Cookies Rewards members.
Here’s what you can score:
• 1 FREE Classic Cookie for rewards members wearing their PJs and scanning their Insomnia Rewards barcode in-store (no purchase necessary).
• $10 Classic 6-Pack for rewards members in-store.
• $18 Classic 12-Pack for rewards members in-store.
Bonus: The first 25 customers in line will receive an official PJ Party t-shirt and an Insomnia Cookies promo code temporary tattoo!
Not a Rewards Member?
Sign up to join Insomnia Cookies Rewards here to take advantage of this celebration and future freebies!
Don’t miss out on the fun—grab your PJs and head to your nearest Insomnia Cookies location for this sweet celebration!
This Post Was Filed Under: Free Stuff
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