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If you have a dog (or even a cat), there’s a fantastic freebie available right now! You can score a free sample of Beggin’ Flavor Stix with Bacon and Peanut Butter Dog Treats through the myPurina Perks program.
How to Claim Your Free Dog Treats:
1. Become a myPurina Perks Member:
• Download the myPurina Perks app HERE.
• Create an account and confirm your email address.
2. Sign into Your Account:
• Once your account is set up and your email is confirmed, log into the app.
3. Redeem Your Offer:
• Go to the “Perks” section at the bottom of the app.
• At the top, click on “Redeem.”
• Find the offer for the FREE Beggin’ Flavor Stix with Bacon and Peanut Butter Dog Treats and sign up to claim your sample.
If you did it correctly you will see the page below and receive an email confirmation shortly after.
Hurry, as this offer may run out at any time. Don’t miss the chance to treat your furry friend!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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