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If you’re looking for a free full-size sample of e.l.f. Invisible Sunscreen SPF 35, you’re in luck! This offer is currently popping up through sponsored ads on Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok. These samples are distributed via targeted ads, so there are no direct links. However, following a few steps can increase your chances of snagging this amazing freebie.
Tips to Get the Free Sample:
1. Engage with the Brand:
• Follow e.l.f. Cosmetics on both HERE (Facebook) & HERE (Instagram).
• Engage by liking at least 10 posts and leaving comments to increase visibility.
2. Search for the Product:
• Perform a search for “e.l.f. Invisible Sunscreen SPF 35” on Google, HERE (Facebook) & HERE (Instagram. Scrolling through search results helps boost your chances of being targeted by the ad.
3. Keep an Eye on Your Feed:
• Watch your Instagram and Facebook feeds and stories closely for the sponsored ad offering the free sample.
• When it appears, simply click on “Get Offer” to claim your free full-size product.
The best part
This is a full-size sample, and users have reported receiving it within 3 weeks after seeing the ad. The sunscreen has SPF 35 and is lightweight and invisible, perfect for everyday protection.
• Like and interact on HERE (Facebook)
• Like and interact HERE (Instagram)
Note: This offer is available while supplies last, so make sure to act quickly!
This Post Was Filed Under: BOLO Freebies
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