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The Epic Games Store continues its tradition of giving away free games every week throughout 2024. These games are completely free, with no hidden strings—aside from needing an Epic Games Store account.
You can log in, claim the games, and add them to your library, even if you don’t plan to play them right away.
What’s Free Until September 26, 2024?
• TOEM: A charming, hand-drawn adventure game where you explore, meet quirky characters, and help them solve their problems. If you enjoy exploration and photography, this game will be perfect for you.
• The Last Stand: Aftermath: A roguelite, third-person action game set in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Scavenge, craft, and upgrade while navigating the dangers of the zombie apocalypse, all in an effort to keep your colony alive.
What’s Coming Next?
• September 26 – October 3, 2024: The Spirit and The Mouse will be available. It’s a delightful upcoming free offering for fans to look forward to.
Whether you’re into artistic adventures or action-packed roguelite experiences, Epic Games’ weekly freebies offer something for everyone.
Make sure to log in before September 26 to grab this week’s offerings and keep an eye out for future titles!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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