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Maison Francis Kurkdjian is offering a free sample of their luxurious APOM Eau de Parfum, available through a limited-time promotion by SoPost. APOM, which stands for “A Part of Me,” is a beautifully crafted fragrance blending warm floral and woody notes, evoking a sense of elegance and sophistication.
How to claim
To claim the free sample, follow the direct SoPost link provided, fill in your shipping details, and be quick—these samples are available only while supplies last! Perfect for anyone looking to indulge in a high-end fragrance experience.
Update: WOW that went quick! It appears they might be out of samples. Try the link in a little bit because right now it says they are out. If it comes back, I will post in the comments.
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
1 Comment
They are out of samples! It went super fast!