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Right now, you can grab 2 free tickets to see the new movie Am I Racist? in theaters through Atom!
Just follow these simple steps:
1. Add your tickets to the cart on Atom’s website.
2. Enter the promo code AMIBOGO to claim your free tickets.
Be aware that tickets may not be available at all locations, so check availability before you purchase. You might need to register or log into your Atom account to apply the promo code.
About the Movie:
Am I Racist? is a provocative documentary where Matt Walsh, a host and filmmaker, explores the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion, revealing the profit-driven nature behind these movements
Instructions on claiming
1. Go to Atom’s website or app (here).
2. Add two tickets for Am I Racist? to your cart.
3. Enter the code AMIBOGO to get your tickets for free.
4. Check for availability in your area.
Hurry, as tickets are limited!
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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