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Calling all Ring users! If you’ve got a spooky visitor lurking around your house, now’s the time to capture it on video and win $100,000! Ring is hosting a contest where users submit eerie 30-second (or less) video clips captured on their Ring device for a chance to win a massive grand prize.
How to Enter:
1. Log into your Ring account here.
2. Submit a 30-second clip featuring your “ghost” or haunted housemate.
3. Get their permission if it’s a person!
4. Submit before November 1, 2024, or when 5,000 entries are received.
• Open to U.S. & D.C. residents, 18+.
• Video clips must be captured on a Ring device.
Not only could you score $100,000, but you’ll get a chance to showcase your creative spirit. Whether it’s a funny or terrifying clip, it’s your chance to show off your haunted home! So grab your camera, capture that ghost, and good luck!
Pro Tips:
• Make sure the clip is clear, short, and well-timed.
• Review the Official Rules on the Ring site for full details.
Don’t miss this thrilling opportunity—get your cameras ready and start capturing those spooky moments!
This Post Was Filed Under: Sweepstakes
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