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Looking for some handy tools or supplies? Harbor Freight is offering a fantastic free gift deal with no purchase required this weekend!
From Friday, October 4th through Sunday, October 6th, 2024, you can claim one of the following free gifts in-store using coupon code 66465162:
• 4-in-1 Screwdriver
• 100-Pack of 8 in. Cable Ties (Black or White)
• 4 in. Magnetic Parts Holder
How to Claim Your Free Gift at Harbor Freight
Getting your free gift is easy! Here’s what you need to do:
1. Visit a Harbor Freight Store: This offer is in-store only, so head to your nearest Harbor Freight location.
2. Present Coupon Code 66465162: Make sure to bring the coupon code with you and present it at checkout. You can either print it out or show it on your phone.
3. Choose Your Free Gift: Select one of the following free items:
• PITTSBURGH 4-in-1 Screwdriver with TPR Handle (Item 61988, 39631, 69470, 98899)
• PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE 4 in. Magnetic Parts Holder (Item 90566, 62535)
• STOREHOUSE 8 in. Black Cable Ties (100 Pk.) (Item 34635, 69403, 60263)
• STOREHOUSE 8 in. White Cable Ties (100 Pk.) (Item 01142, 69402, 60265)
4. No Purchase Required: There’s no need to make any additional purchases—just show the coupon, pick your free gift, and go!
Important Details
• Valid Dates: This offer is valid from Friday, October 4th, through Sunday, October 6th, 2024.
• In-Store Only: This deal is only available at participating Harbor Freight locations and cannot be redeemed online.
• Limit 1 Per Day: You can redeem one free gift per customer, per day. However, you can return on another day during the promotion to claim another gift.
• While Supplies Last: The offer is valid while supplies last, so don’t wait to visit!
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