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Attention dog owners! Looking for a more environmentally friendly way to handle pet waste? Now’s your chance to try Flush Doggy Flushable Dog Poop Bags for free. These innovative bags are designed to be flushable, offering a convenient and eco-conscious solution for disposing of your dog’s waste.
Whats so special about them?
Flush Doggy poop bags are made to dissolve safely in water, helping reduce plastic waste and providing a hassle-free, eco-friendly alternative to traditional poop bags. With these bags, you can flush your dog’s waste down the toilet, contributing to a cleaner environment.
Easy Steps to Receive Your Free Sample
1. Follow Flush Doggy on Social Media – Visit their Facebook page here and give them a like.
2. Complete the Sample Request Form – Head over to their official site and fill out the simple form with your details.
3. Enjoy Your Sample – After completing the steps, your FREE Flush Doggy sample will be sent straight to your door.
*** One sample per household
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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