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For a limited time, you can request a free sample of KOVR All-Natural Sunscreen. This innovative mineral sunscreen provides broad-spectrum SPF 30 protection and is free from harmful chemicals, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. KOVR’s formula is gentle, allowing your skin to breathe naturally while staying protected from UV rays.
How to Request Your Free KOVR Sunscreen Sample:
1. Visit KOVR’s promotional page here.
2. Click the “Request a Sample” button.
3. Complete the form with your shipping details.
About KOVR Sunscreen:
KOVR’s all-natural sunscreen is designed to offer effective sun protection without the harsh chemicals found in many traditional sunscreens. It uses mineral-based ingredients to block UVA and UVB rays while being safe for sensitive skin. Its chemical-free formula helps reduce skin irritation, making it a healthier option for both your skin and the environment.
Important Details:
• Offer valid in the US only.
• One sample per household.
• While supplies last.
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