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Experience luxury skincare with Sensai Beauty’s Extra Intensive Series! For a limited time, select Facebook and Instagram users may qualify for free samples of Sensai’s Cellular Performance Extra Intensive Cream and Eye Cream. Known for its powerful anti-aging ingredients, the Sensai Extra Intensive line is crafted to visibly reduce signs of aging like fine lines and loss of firmness.
How to Claim:
- Follow Sensai’s official Facebook & Instagram pages.
- Engage with their posts to increase the chance of seeing the sample offer ad.
- Keep an eye on your feed for the sponsored ad and click to claim when it appears.
About Sensai Extra Intensive Skincare:
- Extra Intensive Cream: A luxurious anti-aging moisturizer formulated for improved firmness and radiance.
- Extra Intensive Eye Cream: Targets fine lines and signs of fatigue around the eye area with an intensive blend of nourishing ingredients.
Important Details:
- Availability: Limited to select users on Facebook & Instagram.
- Offer Validity: While supplies last.
- Engagement: Following Sensai’s social channels may increase your chances of seeing the ad.
What Are Sponsored Ads?
Sponsored ads are targeted advertisements that show up in your social media feed based on your interests and online activity. Brands like Sensai Beauty use these ads to share exclusive offers and samples. By following and engaging with their pages, you’re more likely to encounter their offers in your feed.
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