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Do you have a fantastic Amazon delivery driver? Now you can say “thank you” in a big way! Amazon is offering $5.00 to your delivery driver when you express your gratitude through an Alexa device or online. This offer is valid for the first 2 million “thank yous“, so act fast! THIS COSTS YOU ZERO, noting but your time to submit it for your driver! – its 100% FREE to do!!
How to Thank Your Driver and Give Them $5.00
- With Alexa
- If you own an Alexa device, simply say:
“Alexa, thank my driver.” - Your driver will receive a $5.00 bonus for delivering your package!
- If you own an Alexa device, simply say:
- Online
- No Alexa? No problem! Use the following link to thank your driver online:
👉 Thank Your Driver Here
- No Alexa? No problem! Use the following link to thank your driver online:
Why This is Awesome
Amazon drivers work hard to make sure your packages arrive on time, and this is a simple way to give back during the holiday season. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t cost you anything—Amazon covers the $5.00 bonus for your driver!
Important Details
- Eligibility: Available for the first 2 million “thank yous.”
- Devices: Works with Alexa-enabled devices or online.
- Link to Full Details: Check out Amazon’s official announcement here.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your driver’s day with a simple “thank you!” 🎁
This Post Was Filed Under: Hot Freebies
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