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In celebration of the launch of new Sourdough Melts and all things carb-related, Panera will be giving away 1,000 free Sourdough Melts on the Panera app with code BREADSOGOOD on January 17th for National Ditch Your Resolution Day**.
**No purchase required.
Must be a MyPanera member to redeem this offer. In app only through participating locations.
Offer ends when all 1,000 sandwiches have been redeemed but no later than 1/25/24. One free sandwich per MyPanera member. Offer not valid on catering orders or orders placed on third party delivery sites. While supplies last. Not valid with any other coupon or offer. Offer may expire without notice due to error, fraud, computer error, electronic or technical malfunctions, or other unforeseen circumstances. Other restrictions may apply. Visit to become a MyPanera and for complete MyPanera terms.
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